Get The Equipment
You Need at the
Terms You Deserve.
Financing equipment is the fastest Return-on-Investment for your business. Equipment is usually a big capital outlay– but you need it. It’s essential to making revenue for the business. Choose up to 5 year terms to pay off the equipment but start making money TODAY!

What You Should Know 
There is no doubt that small businesses need big things. Expensive, big things like industrial kitchens, company vehicles, high-tech machinery, and more. It’s a challenge for business owners to get the equipment they need, while keeping a cash flow that sustains and grows the company.
Enter equipment financing. It makes all things possible. Owners can buy essential, expensive equipment for a business, without the sticker shock of a big one-time purchase. Equipment financing is a critical part of your business plan, ensuring you have the capital equipment you need, paid for in a way you can manage.
There’s more good news. Because new equipment is considered collateral, a small business owner can purchase expensive equipment, even if they do not have other assets on hand.
If you are considering equipment financing you may wonder how we can help, and if you are eligible. Read on.
What We Do 
We offer options for faast access to approvals with limited paperwork.
Term Options
1-5 Years
Faastest Approval Time
30 seconds
Payment Frequency
Monthly payments
What You Need 
Most approved customers had:
Years In Business
0 Years
Minimum FICO
450 FICO
Minimum Revenue
$0 per month
equipment you will be building your business credit as you make regular monthly payments. Over time, this can open the
door to many different financial opportunities.
And remember, equipment financing has built-in collateral, so you are more likely to get approved, than if you were
applying for a regular business loan.
Meet Dave... 
Dave just started a business and knew his biggest purchase was going to be his equipment needed to make the product.
Now Dave has successfully used the power of borrowing money to explode his business and return a big ROI to his bottom line.
Dave had the funds to purchase up front but found out that financing the equipment only cost $450/month. Now Dave has a choice! Pay $12,500 up front or....
The same month, Dave took the money he saved to pay for the equipment and used it towards a marketing launch that yielded over $100k in sales.
Dave calculated that this machine would be responsible for over $10k a month in added revenue so opted in to finance the equipment.
Meet Dave... 

Dave just started a business and knew his biggest purchase is going to be his equipment needed to make his product.
Dave had the funds to purchase up front but found at that financing the equipment only cost $450/month. Now Dave has a choice…pay $12,500.
Dave calculated that this machine would be responsible for over $10k a month in added revenue so opted in to finance the equipment.
The same month, Dave used the money he saved to pay for the equipment and used it towards a marketing launch that yielded over $100k in sales.
Dave has now successfully used the power of borrowing money to explode their business and return a big ROI to his bottom line.
Faastrak Can Connect You To Equipment Financing That Works.
If you are a business owner or starting a business and you don’t have enough cash to purchase a new piece of equipment, we can match you with financing that meets your needs.
Even if you have the cash, equipment financing is an excellent option to help bring in more revenue by securing new equipment in a cash flow friendly way.
Faastrak is here to help any business owner understand their financial options, including equipment financing. If you are starting, expanding, or updating your business, start with us. We can help.
Financing Made Simple
Really, we almost make it too easy. But that’s because we like you. Fill out one application
and review multiple offers for working capital, equipment financing, business credit
cards, cash advances and more. With Faastrak, we bring a financial competitive edge so
you get the confidence to make it happen.